Thursday, October 9, 2014



Week 6

In this week I am looking for resources to do a research about how we can use calculus to design a roller coaster, for example; the “BATMAN: The ride” . I know from physics and math classes that the coaster's initial ascent is to get a potential energy. As the coaster gets higher in the air, gravity can pull it down a greater distance. This potential energy can be released as kinetic energy which is the energy of motion that takes the coaster down again by gravity force. Gravity applies a constant downward force on the coaster.

The roller coaster's energy is constantly changing between potential and kinetic energy. At the top of the curves of the first loop, there is maximum potential energy because the coaster is as high as it gets. As the coaster starts down of this loop, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The coaster speeds up. At the bottom, there is maximum kinetic energy and little potential energy. The kinetic energy propels the coaster up again to the second loop, building up the potential-energy level. So the coaster tracks serve to channel this force. The math calculation control the way the coaster cars fall. If the tracks slope down, gravity pulls the front of the car toward the ground, so it accelerates. If the tracks tilt up, gravity applies a downward force on the back of the coaster, so it decelerates. Currently I am looking for resources to find mathematic calculation to design loops that will make everybody safe.

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